The Toa Reinsurance Company Limited, Singapore Branch
Membership Type
Ordinary Member
SRA Member Since
Chief Representative Name
Misono Shiko
Chief Representative Designation
Chief Executive Officer
Office Address
50 Raffles Place
#26-01 Singapore Land Tower
Singapore 048623
#26-01 Singapore Land Tower
Singapore 048623
+65 6220 0123
Geographical Scope of Operations
Singapore: Non-Life (TTY)
Remark: Please update
Indonesia: Non-Life (TTY)
Remark: Please update
Philippines: Non-Life (TTY)
Remark: Please update
Thailand: Non-Life (TTY)
Remark: Please update
Vietnam: Non-Life (TTY)
Remark: Please update
Cambodia: Non-Life (TTY)
Remark: Please update
Laos: Non-Life (TTY)
Remark: Please update
India: Non-Life (TTY)
Remark: Please update
Pakistan: Non-Life (TTY)
Remark: Please update
Sri Lanka: Non-Life (TTY)
Bangladesh: Non-Life (TTY)
Remark: Please update
Nepal: Non-Life (TTY)
Remark: Please update
Bhutan: Non-Life (TTY)
Remark: Please update
Maldives: Non-Life (TTY)
Remark: Please update
Membership Period