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SRA's 'Parametric Risk Transfer' webinar attracts over 300 attendees

The SRA Technical Sub-Committee (TSC) organised an hour-long live webinar on 'Parametric Risk Transfer' on 15 Jun 2021 that attracted over 300 attendees representing 131 organisations from 28 countries - the largest turnout ever for a non-SIRC event. 

The webinar, which follows from the launch of the white paper last Nov, was aimed at raising awareness and promoting the use of Parametric Risk Transfer solutions amongst practitioners and regulators in the Asia Pacific region. To kick off the webinar, Mr Lim Cheng Khai, Executive Director of the MAS Financial Markers Development department delivered the Opening Remarks as Special Guest, during which he highlighted the important role that parametric risk transfer solutions can play to help expedite recovery of communities affected by natural disasters. He also cited various use case for such solutions to held bridge the protection gap and build resilience in disaster prone regions across Asia,

Next, the TSC Convenor, Ms Ieva Segura Cobos shared some highlights of the Parametric Risk Solutions white paper before TSC Member and co-author of the white paper, Mr Tom Graham moderated a panel discussion involving subject matter experts - Dr Hugh Cowan (New Zealand), Dr Trevor Maynard (London) and Mr Philipp Servatius (Singapore) - shared  their collective experience in structuring Parametric Risk Transfer solutions in various markets and discussed possible use cases to help plug emerging Asia’s huge insurance protection gap, as well as the prerequisites that would encourage the adoption of such solutions across the region.

Download the video of the webinar.