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The Role of Lloyd's

The Singapore Reinsurers'​ Association (SRA) was pleased to present "The Role of Lloyd's" last Wednesday, 28 August 2024, to which more than 50 participants attended. 

The seminar was organized by our EXCO and Education Subcommittee convenor, James Beedle, in collaboration with Lloyd's Asia. 

We were grateful to have SRA EXCO and CEO Lloyd's Asia, Emma Loynes in addition to Chris Mackinnon, Joshua L. Janus Cheung introduce Lloyd's and shared its strengths worldwide and its essential role in our industry. 

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all speakers for their generosity in sharing their knowledge and making the seminar informative and engaging. 

We also want to thank hashtagLloyd's Asia for hosting the seminar at their premises and making it a huge success.

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