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Registration for the 2024 Singapore International Reinsurance Conference (SIRC) Now Open

Registration for the 2024 Singapore International Reinsurance Conference (SIRC) Now Open

SIRC 2024

Singapore, 27 May 2024 — The Singapore Reinsurers' Association (SRA) today announces  
the opening of registrations for the 2024 Singapore International Reinsurance Conference  
(SIRC), to be held from 4 to 7 November at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre.

Known as one of the world’s largest and leading reinsurance events, the conference this  
year marks the 20th instalment in the growing legacy of SIRC, which is expected to host a  
line-up of renowned experts, industry leaders and professionals from around the globe.

Revolutionize (Re)insurance!: Leading the Charge in an Evolving Industry  
This year, the conference looks to pave the way with a forward-looking vision –  
‘Revolutionize (Re)insurance!” – a theme that reflects the enduring commitment needed to  
drive pivotal transformations within the industry. This includes addressing some of its most  
pressing challenges and discussing fundamental changes to capture opportunities.

Conversations on Climate Change, AI, Talent and Mental Health  
As the reinsurance sector stands amidst multiple forces of climate change, digital  
transformations and a changing talent landscape, SIRC 2024 sets the stage to steer the  
industry’s next steps forward. "This year’s theme serves as more than a banner under which  
we gather. It is also a mandate for the reinsurance industry to embrace rapid shifts in our  
environment and technology, alongside evolving talent expectations. It prompts us to  
consider how we want to future-proof the relevance of our industry in this dynamic world,"  
says Marc Haushofer, Chair of the SRA.

Promising thought-provoking discussions, SIRC 2024 will delve into the diverse trajectories  
required to reshape itself to be climate resilient while looking at the transformative  
possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) automation and its pros and cons for the workforce.  
In the same vein, it will explore conversations on strategies to enhance talent management  
and advocate mental health across the industry.

Kicking off the dynamic series of discussions is incoming Swiss Re Group CEO Andreas  
Berger who will be speaking on day one of the event. This marks the first time Mr Berger  
will be speaking in Asia in his new capacity, continuing SIRC’s legacy of attracting industry  

By converging thought leaders and diverse viewpoints on these critical issues, SIRC aims to  
establish new benchmarks for resilience and innovation, ensuring the reinsurance sector  
remains robust, agile and ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing global landscape.

“We are thrilled to open registrations for the 2024 edition of the SIRC, which continues to  
serve as a pivotal platform for reinsurance professionals to engage, share knowledge, and  
forge new paths in these changing times,” says Jeslyn Tan, Executive Director of the SRA.  
“This conference reflects the critical need for the industry to adapt to varying economic and  
environmental conditions, ensuring a resilient future for all stakeholders.”

For more information about the conference, registration details, and updates, please visit  
the SIRC website at Refer to Annex A for more information  
on delegate passes.

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