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Mr James Beedle

James Beedle
Role in SRA
Deputy Chair
Representing Company
Partner Reinsurance Asia Pte. Ltd.
CEO Asia Pacific
Executive Committee 2024-2025

James is CEO of Asia Pacific P&C for PartnerRe as well as Deputy Chair of Partner Reinsurance Asia Pte Ltd.  In March 2019, he was appointed to PartnerRe’s Executive Leadership Team and has executive responsibility for the Global Clients and Marketing & Business Intelligence units in addition to his existing regional responsibilities.

He joined PartnerRe in January 2017 from Willis Towers Watson where he was most recently Senior Managing Director, Willis Re Asia Pacific, based in Singapore responsible for Willis Re’s operations across the region.

He originally joined Willis Re in 1990 in London and commenced his career in the London market retrocession department.  In 1992 he moved to Australia with Willis Re to service clients across Australia and New Zealand along with the placement of international business into the Sydney market.  Prior to leaving Australia in 2010 he was Deputy Managing Director, Willis Re Australia.

In 2010 James moved to Japan as CEO Willis Re Japan and whilst based in Tokyo, had responsibility for Willis Re’s Japanese property and casualty portfolio, a role he held until moving to Singapore in June 2012 as Senior Managing Director, Willis Re Asia.

He holds a BA Honours Degree in Economics from York University and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.