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Marc Haushofer to succeed Alain Flandrin as SRA Chairman from Jan 2017

Marc Haushofer to succeed Alain Flandrin as SRA Chairman from Jan 2017


The Singapore Reinsurers’ Association (SRA) has announced that Mr Marc Haushofer, Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific of Validus Re will succeed Mr Alain Flandrin, Chief Executive Officer (Asia Pacific) of Partner Re Asia as its Chairman with effect from 1 January 2017.

The outgoing Chairman, Mr Alain Flandrin said: “I am very pleased that Marc has accepted the challenge of carrying the SRA flag. With his leadership skills and commitment to our industry in the Asia-Pacific, I am confident that Marc together with his colleagues on the Executive Committee (EXCO) will continue to develop, consolidate and grow the influence of our industry in the region.  I wish him every success in his engagement as Chairman of our Association.”

In response, the Chairman-elect, Mr Marc Haushofer said: “Alain has done a remarkable job as SRA Chairman. We owe him our particular thanks for his inspiring and avid representation of the SRA and its members. My colleagues on the EXCO and I wish him only the best in his future endeavours.”

He added: “I am excited to be given the opportunity of serving our industry and look forward to working with my fellow EXCO colleagues, our member companies, other associations and industry-related bodies to advance the interests and potential of our industry across the region.”   

The serving members of the SRA EXCO for the remainder of the 2016/2017 term are:






Validus Reinsurance, Ltd. Singapore

Branch Asia Pacific

Deputy Chairman

Sharon OOI

Swiss Reinsurance Company Limited

Honorary Secretary

Theresa WEE

Singapore Reinsurance Corporation


Honorary Treasurer

Desmond TAN

Asia Capital Reinsurance Group Pte Ltd




Münchener Rückversicherungs-



XL Catlin Re

HO Kun Hong

SCOR Reinsurance Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd

Kenrick LAW

Allianz SE Reinsurance Branch Asia Pacific

Beatrice MORLEY

Aspen Re