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Ikatan Asia Pacific Reinsurance Brokers Pte Ltd

Membership Type
Associate Member
SRA Member Since
Chief Representative Name
Wee Choo Neo
Chief Representative Designation
Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director
Office Address
50 Raffles Place
#37th Floor N.A.
Singapore 048623
+65 6819 7211
Geographical Scope of Operations

Singapore: Non-Life (TTY), Non-Life (FAC)

Malaysia: Non-Life (TTY), Non-Life (FAC)

Brunei: Non-Life (TTY), Non-Life (FAC)

Thailand: Non-Life (TTY), Non-Life (FAC), Life-and-Health (FAC)

Vietnam: Non-Life (TTY), Non-Life (FAC)

Taiwan: Non-Life (TTY), Non-Life (FAC)

India: Non-Life (TTY), Non-Life (FAC)

Pakistan: Non-Life (TTY), Non-Life (FAC)

Sri Lanka: Non-Life (TTY), Non-Life (FAC)

Bangladesh: Non-Life (TTY), Non-Life (FAC)

Nepal: Non-Life (TTY), Non-Life (FAC)

Bhutan: Non-Life (TTY), Non-Life (FAC)

Middle East/Africa: Zambia

Membership Period