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7th Intake Basic Reinsurance Webinar - Part 1:Concepts & Part 2:Practices

In response to overwhelming demand, SRA conducted the 7th intake of the “Basic Reinsurance Concepts” course, as a two-part webinar, each of 90-minute duration on 26 August (PART 1) and 4 September (PART 2).

Once again, this series of webinar were sold out within 48 hours of its launch.  The webinars were open to all staff of Ordinary and Associate member companies on a complimentary basis, and for both Part 1 & Part 2 sessions, we welcomed total 171 participants, including 36 overseas participants from 8 countries - Australia to the south, China and Japan to the north, and Bahrain and India to the west.

As with the previous intakes of this course, the trainer for this series of webinars was Mr. Shiva Iyer, a 35-year industry veteran who is Executive Director in Aon Singapore’s Technical Advisory Services department. 

Singapore Reinsurers' Association  
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